SDK Solutions for
medical devices

The Vitalera SDK makes remote patient monitoring easy. It saves developers up to 10 hours a day, letting healthcare professionals quickly add advanced monitoring to their systems.
Simple, seamless, and effective care.

Everything a solution needs

Medical Devices SDK

Collects and processes a wide range of vital health metrics.

Telehealth SDK

Supports telehealth applications by enabling remote monitoring and virtual consultations.

Remote Patient Monitoring API

Provides all the tools needed to build comprehensive RPM solutions and connections,


Benefits of vitalera’s ecosystem

Vitalera’s SDK collects the following vital signs

Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure

Systolic pressure measures the pressure during heartbeats, and diastolic pressure measures the pressure between heartbeats. Both readings are crucial for assessing cardiovascular health.

Heart Rate (including resting and variability)

Heart rate refers to the number of times the heart beats per minute, and is directly related to the workload being placed on the heart.

ECG (Electrocardiogram)

An ECG is a test that records the electrical activity of your heart, including the rate and rhythm.

Glucose Levels

We can measure Glucose Levels in two different ways of measuring blood glucose levels: It can either be in terms of a molar concentration, measured in mmol/L or a mass concentration, measured in mg/dL.

SpO2 (Oxygen Saturation)

The blood oxygen saturation level (SpO2) shows how much oxygen your blood carries compared to its full capacity (100%).


Smart scales measure weight by detecting the force exerted by gravity on an object, displaying it in units like kg or lbs.

Physical Activity

Measured by wearables and other sensors uch as accelerometers, steeps, gyroscopes, and GPS.

Sleep Patterns

Wearables measure sleep using sensors to track motion, heart rate, breathing, and temperature. Algorithms analyze this data to estimate sleep stages, quality, and disruptions, providing detailed sleep insights.

Respiratory Frequency

Respiratory frequency is measured by counting the number of breaths per minute, either by observing chest movements or using tools like a respiratory rate monitor, spirometer, or capnograph.

Stress Levels

Measured with sensors. Many smartwatches track stress using heart rate, HRV, and other metrics.

Calories Burned

Wearable devices combine your basal metabolic rate (BMR)—the rate at which you burn calories at rest to maintain vital body functions (including breathing, blood circulation, and heartbeat)—and your activity data to estimate your calories burned.

Floors Climbed

Wearables measure floors climbed using an altimeter to detect changes in elevation, combined with accelerometers to confirm upward movement, distinguishing between stairs and flat ground.

Distance Traveled

Wearables measure distance traveled using GPS for precise tracking or accelerometers and gyroscopes to estimate movement based on steps, speed, and direction. Data syncs with apps for detailed analysis.

Intensity Minutes

Intensity minutes with wearables are measured by tracking heart rate and activity levels. The device calculates minutes spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity based on heart rate zones.


Measure % HR max using wearables by comparing real-time heart rate data to your estimated maximum heart rate (HR max). % HR max = (Current HR / HR max) × 100, tracked via fitness apps or wearables.


VO2 max can be measured with wearables by using heart rate sensors and GPS data during exercise. These devices analyze cardiovascular response and physical exertion to estimate oxygen consumption.


Our SDK for RPM is designed for ease of integration and high functionality



Easily integrate our SDK into your existing healthcare systems or telehealth platforms.


Data Collection

The SDK facilitates the collection of real-time physiological data from various wearable devices.


Processing and Analysis

Collected data is processed and analyzed to provide actionable insights.



Health data is presented in a clear and accessible format for healthcare professionals to review.


Alerts and Notifications

Customizable alerts ensure that healthcare providers are immediately notified of any critical changes in patient health.


vitalera’s SDK solutions offer several advantages over competitors

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Medical-Grade Precision

Our SDK is designed specifically for medical applications, ensuring high accuracy and reliability.

Innovative Technology

Leveraging the latest advancements in healthcare technology, our SDK ensures you stay ahead in the RPM landscape.

GDPR and HIPAA Compliance

We prioritize data privacy and security, adhering to the highest standards of compliance.

Extensive Data Handling

Capable of managing large volumes of data, our SDK provides comprehensive health insights.

Seamless Integration

Easily integrates with existing Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems, enhancing workflow efficiency.


Real use cases for maximizing your vitalera experience

Practical applications, in-depth Insights, and expert tips to unlock the full potential of Vitalera


Learn about María's case in cardiology

With Vitalera's Remote Patient Monitoring Maria enjoys the benefits of personalized, proactive health management. Discover the future of healthcare with Vitalera – where innovation meets compassionate care.

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Learn about María's case in cardiology

Learn about John's case in oncology

With Vitalera's Remote Patient Monitoring John enjoys the benefits of personalized, proactive health management. Discover the future of healthcare with Vitalera :

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Learn about John's case in oncology
Behavioral health

Learn about Sarah's case in behaivoral health

With Vitalera's Remote Patient Monitoring, patients can experience the same level of personalized, proactive health management in the realm of behavioral health.

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Learn about Sarah's case in behaivoral health

Learn about Diabetes Management with vitalera

Vitalera offers a comprehensive solution for advanced research and care of diabetes management through an AI remote patient monitoring technology. This platform seamlessly integrates with devices like the Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), enhancing the lives of individuals with diabetes by providing accurate, real-time glucose monitoring and management, but at the same time scans any health data from the home of the patients.

Learn more
Learn about Diabetes Management with vitalera
Respiratory diseases

Use of our Remote Monitoring Solution in respiratory diseases

Vitalera is at the forefront of remote patient monitoring (RPM), specifically targeting respiratory diseases. With a focus on providing advanced solutions for the continuous health monitoring of patients with chronic respiratory conditions, vitalera's technology not only transforms healthcare delivery but also optimizes resources and improves clinical outcomes.

Learn more
Use of our Remote Monitoring Solution in respiratory diseases
Weight loss

How we are using Vitalera for effective weight management

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is crucial for managing diabetes and weight loss treatments with GLP-1 receptor agonists. RPM ensures continuous monitoring of vital signs, improves medication adherence, personalizes care, and detects issues early. This enhances patient outcomes, reduces healthcare costs, and increases accessibility.

vitalera’s Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) solutions, particularly their advanced weight monitoring systems, have revolutionized how healthcare professionals manage and support their patients' weight-related health issues. With the advanced Remote Patient Monitoring System, life science companies, research centers, and healthcare providers can continuously track and analyze their patients’ weight metrics remotely, offering real-time insights and timely interventions

Learn more
How we are using Vitalera for effective weight management
Elderly care

Remote Patient Monitor for elderly care

Vitalera offers a comprehensive solution for eldery management through advanced remote patient monitoring technology. This platform with just a photo can capture different devices like the blood preassure, pulsioximeter, weight and others.

Learn more
Remote Patient Monitor for elderly care

Trusted by the best doctors

Dr. Aleix Fort
Coordinator of the Unit of Heart Failure at Hospital Universitari Trueta.

“Vitalera allows us to have daily remote control of the patient’s constants and clinical condition, which allows, among others, early detection of cardiac failure decompensations and facilitates pharmacological titration.”

Dr Xavier, PhD, MD
Chief Informatic Officer at Hospital Clinic

“Vitalera provides efficient care, especially for outpatients by delivering all the follow-up at home and automatizing the tasks of healthcare professionals.”

Dr. Julio, PhD, MD
Director at Internal Medicine, Torrevieja Hospital

“We have reduced 40% of readmission in a couple of months, thanks to vitalera”

Ralph Edwards
IT Support Specialist

“vitalera's API supports a wide range of medical devices, enabling real-time monitoring and data analysis, which enhances diagnostic accuracy and patient care.”

Jerome Bell
Data Integration Specialist

“The vitalera API's robust and well-documented endpoints simplify the development process, reducing time and effort.”

Eleanor Pena
Database Administrator (DBA)

“easy-to-use API, it ensures secure and seamless data transfer, complying with industry standards and regulations.”


Frequently Asked Questions about vitalera SDK

How it works?

vitalera's SDK (Software Development Kit) for connected devices helps developers significantly reduce development time when creating applications for smart gadgets like all blood pressure monitors or glucometers. It includes tools, libraries that simplify connecting and controlling the device. Comprehensive documentation provides guidelines and examples, ensuring efficient app development and seamless communication with the device.

How I ask for a demo?

To ask for a demo, simply visit our website and click on the "Ask for a demo" button. Fill in the required information, and you'll be all set to access the platform and its features.

How much does it takes to implement it?

It depends of you. It can be from 1-2 days to one week or more depending on the data that needs to be collected from the SDK.

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